Week 26
Our first week of March Madness has been a huge success. Thank you to all of our Mystery Readers for taking time to read to 3D! The students love trying to guess who their Mystery Reader will be each day by the clues they provide me. The four books that were read this week are The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt, Holes by Louis Sachar, A Porcupine Named Fluffy by Helen Lester and The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch.
The students have voted and the two books moving on to the Elite Eight are Holes and The Paper Bag Princess!
This week, the students continued to practice making a long vowel "U" sound with a new spelling patterns: EW. Word work activities this week were focused around the words: mildew, chewing, stew, renew. The oddball word was excited and the bonus word was basketball.
Congratulations to this students for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 1800 minutes!

Congratulations to this student for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 1800 minutes!
Congratulations to this student for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 2400 minutes!
The students focused on subtracting two/three digit numbers with/without regrouping. The students showed their subtraction by using place value blocks, drawings, expanded form (with number words/numerals)and using a standard algorithm:
This week, the students used their knowledge of addition and subtraction with two digit and three digit numbers to solve various word problems.
The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of -10 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and all of the students improved on their scores compared to their scores on Monday. Way to go Grade 3s! Yahoo! Next week we will begin....our multiplication unit!
In partner groups, students developed a slideshow showcasing what they learned about Tunisia from each textbook chapter we have read over the last few weeks. They presented their slideshow to the class. They were marked on the appearance of their slides, knowledge, preparedness, and presentation voice. The groups should be proud of themselves and the presentations they created, I was very impressed.
To sum up our Tunisia unit, the students had Mr. Maltais show them around on a guided tour of Tunisia's points of interests using Google Earth. The students had a blast exploring Tunisia using the application. Based on their "travels" in Tunisia they created a postcard to send home to their families.
To sum up our Tunisia unit, the students had Mr. Maltais show them around on a guided tour of Tunisia's points of interests using Google Earth. The students had a blast exploring Tunisia using the application. Based on their "travels" in Tunisia they created a postcard to send home to their families.
Congratulations to our Student of the Week
Star Student Presentation
New Classroom Game: Ten!
Outside Fun

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