Week 12 & 13


 Writing: The students started on their first entry of their All About Me book. The first entry is about "My Family".The grade 3s are following the paragraph structure we have been using in class: topic sentence, detail sentences and a concluding sentence. As a class, we brainstormed possible questions they might want to answer when writing detailed sentences about their families. They are learning to edit their own work once they are done writing such as checking for capital letters, appropriate punctuation, spell checking and making sure all of their sentences make sense. 
Reading: Congratulations to these 3D students for reaching a total of 600 minutes of reading at home!!!! They hopped in their car and drove to the first pit stop - Canada.
AND a congratulations to these two students for reaching the second pitstop by reading a total of 1200 minutes!!!!
AND a big congratulations to this student for reaching the third pitstop by reading a total of 1800 minutes!!!!
Handwriting: The students have continue to practice cursive with "kite string 2" letters. These letters include b, r, o, s.

Grammar: This week, the students learned about verbs. They defined a verb as an action word, an activity word or a movement word. They provided me with a ton of examples such as swimming, eating, punching, hugging, etc. The students went on a Verb Hunt around the classroom. There were 20 sentences posted in various areas around the classroom which the students needed to read and decide which word was the verb. They wrote down the verb on a chart.

Spelling: During the week the grade 3s learned one new spelling rule: -EA. The students get several opportunities to work with the spelling list words throughout the week and were given an informal test at the end of the week. Their spelling list reflected these words and included the high frequency Oddball Word COUNTRIES and Bonus Word NOVEMBER. Practicing these words at home is strongly encouraged. 


This week, the students finished their Place Value Robots and finished up representing 3-digit numbers with place value blocks and started representing numbers in a new way: number words!

The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of +10 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and I am happy to report that all of the students improved compared to their scores on Monday and we had 8 students that got 30/30!!!! Way to go 3D!


This week's focus was the relationship between needs and wants and how they effect a person's quality of life. The students were put into groups and were given a set of images that they were asked to sort into two groups and describe the sorting rule. Most of the groups were pretty close in figuring out the sorting rule (needs vs. wants) and one group figured it out on their own without prompting, woohoo!

To show what they knew about needs and wants, the students learned the art of sketch notes. They were asked to create their own poster, in the style of sketch noting, displaying the difference between needs and wants. 


Highlights of the Week

Congratulations to our Students of the Week

Jersey Day

Rudolph Painting

Happy Weekend!

Cute Penguin Ice Skating


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