Week 21


For the last two weeks, the Grade 3s have researched and created a presentation on the animals that have been effected by the Australian wild fires. The student groups presented to classes around the school. 
 On Wednesday and Thursday, the Grade 3s hosted a Bake Sale to raise money for the Australia Wildfire Relief Fund. Each item they sold was worth $1. The students had a blast shopping and selling their baked goods. It was amazing to see the support we received from the whole school. I am so proud of our Grade 3 crew.  Thank you to all the families that brought in baked goods!


Book Study: 

Two weeks ago, I read the book The Most Perfect Snowman by Chris Britt to the class to serve as inspiration for our upcoming writing project starting next week. It is a heartwarming story about a snowman that shows kindness, friendship and the importance of giving. Last week, the students created their very own 'most perfect snowman' using only construction paper and scrapbook paper. 
They turned out beautifully and each one unique. The students used these snow persons as inspiration to write a paragraph about their most perfect snow person (or snow animal) and how they would share their kindness with the world. 

The students are learning how to edit their sentences using the acronym CUPS to remind them about what to look for. CUPS stands for:
Capitals - Is there a capital at the beginning of your sentence? Are proper nouns capitalized?
Understanding - Does this make sense?
Punctuation - Does the sentence have the correct ending punctuation? Do you need a comma or apostrophe?
Spelling - Are all the words spelled correctly?

Congratulations to these students for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 1200 minutes! 

Congratulations to this student for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 1800 minutes! 
Congratulations to this student for reading over 4800 minutes!


With their knowledge of 'stacking' and two digit addition with/without regrouping, students moved on to adding three digit numbers with/without regrouping. The students showed their addition by using place value blocks, number words and drawings. They also showed their work by using a standard algorithm:

The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of -7 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and all of the students improved on their scores compared to their scores on Monday. I am so proud of them reaching their goals this week!


At the beginning of the week, we talked about how sounds can be safe or dangerous. The students got into small groups and sorted cards based on whether they were a quiet/moderate/dangerous sound and what the approximate db level the sound would be.
Sounds at or below 70dB are considered safe. Any sound that is at or about 85dB are more likely to damage your hearing overtime. A sound that is at or higher than 120db can cause damage to hearing. The students found image examples of quiet sounds, moderate sounds and dangerous sounds on their Chromebooks.

The students then measured sound levels around our school using a Decibel Meter app on an iPad . Some locations included: quiet reading in the classroom, running laps in the gym, putting books away, boot room at transition time, and during a GoNoodle. Once this was completed, I allowed the groups to find other locations/activities and record the decibel levels. One group measured the noise level in the office, in the music room and even Mrs. Horrocks' scream (which reached a decibel level of 91!!!!). The students had so much fun exploring sounds around the school!
The students were super excited to work through the Hearing and Sound stations this week. The stations included the following challenges and questions:

  1. Tuning a Glass - What did you hear when you hit each glass?
  2. Rubber Band Music - What is the difference in sound between the thicker and thinner bands?
  3. Ruler Guitar - What happened to the pitch when you moved the pencil?
  4. Sound Traveller (Different States of Matter) - Does the sound travel through air, liquid or solids? What does sound travel better through?
  5. Paper Cup Telephone - How do the cups work? What happens when you pinch the string?
The students were put into groups and they decided on team names... Once in their groups they had 5-7 minutes at each station to try out the sound challenge and answer the questions.
At the end of the day it was Kazoo time! The students made their very own instrument using rubber bands, straws and two tongue depressors. 

Here is a quick little video of the 3D students making "lovely" music together. Warning: it's loud and high pitched. 

Highlights of the Week

Star Student Presentation

Valentine's Day Art Project

Phys Ed Wellness Stations

Crazy Hair Day!


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