Week 24 & 25

LITERACY Writing: In the last two weeks, the students learned how to write in a poem format. They learned what the word stanza means and how to organize their writing. The theme of the poem was friendship. First, I read the book "Don't Need Friends" to the class. The class discussion was about how the characters (a rat and a stray dog) changed their minds about having friends throughout the story. As a whole class, the students filled an anchor chart titled "How I Can Be A True Friend". Secondly, the class read a poem titled "Friends" that followed a pattern that the students would follow in their final copy. They thought about activities they enjoyed doing with their friends and two things that they would need to carry out the activities. The students picked four activities to write about and plugged it into the poem's stanzas. The students continue to edit their sentences using the acronym CUPS to remind them about what to look...