Week 18
Congratulations to these students for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 1200 minutes!
Congratulations to this student for reaching the next pitstop by reading a total of 1800 minutes!Congratulations to these two students for make it all around the world and selecting a new mode of transportation (a hovercraft!) to make their way around the world a second time. They read for a total of 3600 minutes!
Spelling & Phonics:
The new year inspired our "Making Words" mystery word: RESOLUTION. Students are given a set of scrambled letters and asked to create 2,3,4,5,6 letter words using only the letters provided (ie. E I O O U L N R S T). Once the students come up with a few of these words independently they pair up with a peer and try to come up with some more words together. Finally, we come together as a class and the students share the words they have created and try to figure out what the mystery word is.
The students finished up with their last group of cursive letters, the Hills and Valleys group. They practiced the letters "x" and "z" during the week.
Book Study:
This week, I read the book Snowman at Night by Caralyn Buehner to the class to serve as inspiration for our writing project starting next week.
While I was reading the story, the students were challenged to remember the order of events so that they could retell the beginning, middle and end of the story. The students noticed that the middle of the story holds the bulk of the events.
After we reviewed the definitions of nouns and verbs, I read the book a second time. The students were class asked to provide me examples of nouns and verbs from the story that I recorded on chart paper.
This week's focus was regrouping ones into tens and tens into hundreds. Students learned the term REGROUP and why it will be important in future math lessons. They learned how to regroup numbers using place value blocks, drawings and with words.
The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of -4 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and all of the students improved on their scores compared to their scores on Monday. It is important to practice these basic facts at home every day!
The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of -4 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and all of the students improved on their scores compared to their scores on Monday. It is important to practice these basic facts at home every day!
The new year brings in a new Science unit: Hearing and Sound! On Monday, the students were asked "What do you know about hearing and/or sounds?" and shared it with the class. These were placed on post its and the students stuck them on chart paper. For homework, the students had to research one interesting fact about hearing and/or sounds.
On Tuesday, I read the book The Listening Walk by Paul Showers to the class. The students were asked to listen for sound words (onomatopoeia) and share them with their classmates. After the book was read, we decided to go for a Listening Walk ourselves...inside and outside the school. The students closed their eyes to heighten their sense of hearing for a minute or two and listen for the various sounds around them. The students recorded the Inside and Outside sounds on a chart.
On Tuesday, I read the book The Listening Walk by Paul Showers to the class. The students were asked to listen for sound words (onomatopoeia) and share them with their classmates. After the book was read, we decided to go for a Listening Walk ourselves...inside and outside the school. The students closed their eyes to heighten their sense of hearing for a minute or two and listen for the various sounds around them. The students recorded the Inside and Outside sounds on a chart.
Highlights of the Week
Congratulations to our Student of the Week
Star Student Presentation (and his furry friend Konjo)
Our (Late!) Letter from Santa
Dallas the Hoop Dancer

Snowmen At Night Art Project (in progress)

One of our classmates became a big brother this week!

Star Student Presentation (and his furry friend Konjo)
Our (Late!) Letter from Santa
Dallas the Hoop Dancer

Creative Dance Routines Using Props
Snowmen At Night Art Project (in progress)

One of our classmates became a big brother this week!
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