Week 8
Writing: The students used their Pet Rock for inspiration for their next writing piece. They wrote a paragraph using the following outline: topic sentence, five detail sentences and a conclusion sentence. The students were asked to describe their Pet Rock and describe their personality or hobby. I loved to see them use their imagination with this writing project...photos coming soon!
Reading/Phonics: Congratulations to the these 3D students for reaching a total of 600 minutes of reading at home!!!! They hopped in their car and drove to the first pit stop - Canada!

During the week the grade 3s learned one new spelling rule: -AY. The students get several opportunities to work with the spelling list words throughout the week and were given an informal test at the end of the week. Their spelling list reflected these words and included the high frequency Oddball Word PEOPLE and Bonus Word SCARECROW. Practicing these words at home is strongly encouraged.
Our "Making Words" mystery word this week was HARVEST. Students are given a set of scrambled letters and asked to create 2,3,4,5,6 letter words using only the letters provided (ie. A E H R S T V). Once the students come up with a few of these words independently they pair up with a peer and try to come up with some more words together. Finally, we come together as a class and the students share the words they have created and try to figure out what the mystery word is.
Conventions/Grammar: This week, the students learned how to turn common nouns into proper nouns. As soon as they name a common noun it becomes a proper noun but they have to remember that all proper nouns begin with a capital letter. The students created an iPad out of construction paper to showcase four examples of common nouns as the "apps" and underneath the flaps they turned them into proper nouns. Photos coming soon!
Handwriting: The students have continue to practice cursive with "loop group" letters. These letters include l, e, h, f, b.
The students continue to learn how to use ordinal numbers and how use them to solve word problems. The students are learning how to use ordinal numbers within a table to solve problems. This is an image of some of the problems they may be asked to solve.
The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of +6 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and I am happy to report that all of the students improved compared to their scores on Monday. Way to go 3D! Keep up the great work!
The Grade 3s practiced their basic facts of +6 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and I am happy to report that all of the students improved compared to their scores on Monday. Way to go 3D! Keep up the great work!
Students reviewed their Rocks and Minerals vocabulary by playing Kahoot, which is an interactive online quiz that a teacher creates for students to play. The students play against their classmates and earn points by how quickly they can answer the question. It was a great way to study for their unit test on Friday and the students loved every minute of it, it felt like a game show!
Highlights of the Week
Congratulations to our Cross Country Students!
A Big Congratulations to a student from our class that placed 6th place overall!!!!
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