Week 5
Writing: The students will begin their good copy for their elaborative detail writing project about the season of fall. The focus of this project was the students using their five senses to write with elaborative detail. Last week, the students were asked to find autumn specific words or phrases that and organized these words/phrases into a chart. From this chart, students were encouraged to use various sentence starters to make their paragraph come to life. The 3D students were so proud to share their extremely descriptive paragraphs with the class. They were fantastic!
Reading/Phonics: Congratulations to the first 3D student to read a total of 600 minutes at home!!!! She hopped in her car and drove to the first pit stop - Canada!
The grade 3s continued to work on identifying and using short vowel sounds in two syllable words. The students get several opportunities to work with the spelling list words throughout the week and are given an informal test at the end of the week. Their spelling list reflected these words and included a high frequency Oddball Word AGAIN and a Bonus Word MINERAL. Practicing these words at home is strongly encouraged. Our "Making Words" mystery word this week was SCARECROW. Students are given a set of scrambled letters and asked to create 2,3,4,5,6 letter words using only the letters provided (ie. A E O C C R R S W). Once the students come up with a few of these words independently they pair up with a peer and try to come up with some more words together. Finally, we come together as a class and the students share the words they have created and try to figure out what the mystery word is. This week we had a few more students figure out the Mystery Word without the help of the teacher!

Conventions/Grammar: This week, the students got into groups and created a Noun Poster that featured the definition of a noun. They were later asked to sort a group of words into the proper category: person, place or thing. Our Grade 3s our noun experts now!
Handwriting: The students have finished practicing cursive with "kite string" letters. These letters include i, t, u, w, j.
The students continued to practice counting backwards to find the missing 'gap' number between two numbers. Once they found the missing 'gap' number they were able to extend the decreasing pattern. They reviewed increasing and decreasing patterns by finding the gap number (the difference) and adding or subtracting to extend the pattern. ew math games to practice the skills of counting on and counting back between two numbers.
This week, the students practiced their basic facts of +3 in the form of Mad Minutes. Their personal goal was to get more equations solved each day. On Thursday, we had our final Mad Minute of the week and I am happy to report that most of the students improved compared to their scores on Monday. Woohoo!
It was an exciting week in Science, the students finally had the opportunity to conduct their Rock Test on two of the rocks they found in the river valley last week on their field trip. In this Rock Test experiment they described each rock and drew an accurate illustration of each rock. The students were asked to make predictions on the following:
- length
- weight
- hardness (scratch test with fingernail, penny, nail)
- whether the rock would float or sink
- acidity (reaction with vinegar)
Highlights of the Week
Fall Themed Phys Ed Class
Self Portrait Art Project
Terry Fox Walk
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